Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This thing called Humanity, as flawed as it is, is our work and playground.

You know I'm dying to go taking some rainy petal pics ... but this rain seems harder than it's been in the past couple of days... with them thunder claps last night. Whew.
You know you learn a great deal about your fellow man when strife hits the world.
Fortunately everyone is entitled to their opinions, myself included.
I won't go about the deleting thing.. makes no sense.. it takes US ALL to make the world go 'round.
What this has been is a continued exploration in just how frustrated WE ALL ARE.
What I am more concerned with is THE DIALOGUE which LEADS to sweeping Comprehensive changes of how we all see, feel and treat each other.
The reality is ... quoting a friend "I dont know if I'll be around" .. it's a mantra that many have spoken and fortunately there are some who have witnessed some MONUMENTAL CHANGES in their lifetime.. as well as "some thangs just aint changed"
How can we be Change Agents?? How can we make a difference???
Im sorry I cant drop off the face of the earth anymore than I already have... We are all simply well connected to another, regardless of race or creed.
This thing called Humanity, as flawed as it is, is our work and playground.
It's so hard sometimes to not be dismayed by current worldwide situations. Yet we have a duty to continue to make peace and foster love wherever we can.
It can be challenging. Find a way to dialogue, break bread and heal with your fellow man. It's a long road ahead. No one ever said this is easy... "it's been a long journey and many more miles to go" .. may we do so with Peace and Honor, Kindness, Courtesy and Respect. 1 

Monday, November 24, 2014

It's more than Ferguson... ‪#‎StayPrayedUpWeALLNeedTheStrength‬

Times like this you more than understand the militancy and frustration of Elders.
As well as the ability to find ways of channeling one's energy in the wake of the civil revolution that is sure to occur.
Im only 49, yet the constant frustration in my own personal memories.. going back to 77 Blackout ..Howard Beach, Eastern parkway, Bumpers, Amadou Diallo. etc. As I type this I get angry... I can't take the pain nor the visions.
Or maybe even the nameless tragedies growing up in Jamaica especially during election time... which is why I make efforts to vote here..
At some point.. the authorities over reaction to the civil disobedience, right to protest ... worldwide.. the bullshit and the blood they just never stop.
It doesnt matter where you are... the pain of the bullet, the parents cries, the siblings, cousins, friends, teachers. wives.. children..‪#‎LivesMatter‬‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ ‪#‎HumanBeingsMatter‬
it is so emotionally energy draining to feel this massive heaviness of spirit.. so many angry... frustrated.. enraged... furious... even complacent...
It's more than Ferguson... ‪#‎StayPrayedUpWeALLNeedTheStrength‬
I saw a post earlier... from Nicole Freeher .... she writes....
"I think the largest questions regarding the quite predictable Brown verdict is...
"What ARE u going to do now?"
"What can We do about it together?"
"How can there be change?"
"What are we willing to do to facilitate change?"
Otherwise...I'm not interested in discussing it. Period!"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

One has to practice achieving moments of serenity to maintain one's sanity.

Let's see... do you think if I click "I dont want to see" this on enough of the Generational Hollywood Sex Scandal that FB will get the hint...
See folks just dont get it.. this is only the beginning...
That man aint roll by himself.. you know how many old timers are BUGGING RIGHT NOW.....
Quite a few are still entertaining... folks have to understand that TIMES WERE DIFFERENT....
All this BS they say about WHY WHY WHY... YOU KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT... just like how you kept is shut when old men in your area wanted you to sit on their laps... DAYUM Them freaking FLASHBACKS - DO NOT FADE CORRECTLY .. they can always be TRIGGERED...
These freedom of speeches and access to INFORMATION wasnt possible back them..
Shit.. today someone farts across the world, we smell the stench before the sphincter even tightens back up.
What I am saying that as a SURVIVOR of all types of shit... this constant bombardment ... overexposure of PREDATORS, VICTIMS and Praise Da Lord ... SURVIVORS (The only thing that eases the spirit) is stressful.
Trust me.. this is one of the times Im really glad I dont have a television.
I couldnt take the constant assault from the news media.
On the internet.. if I scroll by or dont click .. I can buffer myself a bit.
As bold as I may be... Im fragile.. my spirit is delicate. Im sensitive to my fellow human beings on this planet called Earth.
Empathy .. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. (Dictionary Definition)
Empathy - I feel what you feel... your pain, anger, disgust, joy, pride, sorrow.. with such intensity that my stomach flips and my eyes leak. (Me)
It takes a lot of work to shield oneself from the constant pain of the world.. seeking out the JOY is really hard work but it has benefits.
I dont have Battered Woman's Syndrome and my skin is not that thick that I can just "pass on by" or in some cases "just accept" that I have to be exposed to needless violence, bloodshed and watching folks human rights be trampled.
Im Pisces... my head is not in the sand.. Ive already been to Hell on Earth and I have learned how to LIVE on my terms to the best of my ability given the circumstance.
I CHOOSE to LIVE in the Lowcountry, it may be lonely (Hey Im coming out of Brooklyn.. there is always someone to play with) my health dictates the need for it's climate ... again old before my time... LOL
Ive filtered a lot of violence out of my system. Through it all, my spirit recognizes genuine hugs...
Social media has a way of bringing out the nice and the nasty.. what makes these recollections of "alleged" abuse even more hard to stomach is the comments.
They are at times cruel yet fortunately there are many who speak ... they bare their souls to quell the animal in one and inform the ignorant in the same breath. RIGHT ON SISTAS!!!!
It's a simple choice that I make because I dont want to feel the pain.
It hurts too much... shoot I cant afford to be depressed up in here... my life already has medical mysteries...
We all have something that we could work ourselves up about and raise our blood pressure.
I try very hard not to expose myself to things that has me making an "ugly" face too often... 
At this moment.. leaves dance on a so far 12 hour rainy Lowcountry Sunday .. traffic is steady and moving on Upper King St. (Praise Da Lawd)
The hesitated sound of key clicks this keyboard, as the moisture invades my fingers... (time for medication) ..
^^^^^ I had a good run .. let my mind flow and fingers wander.
One has to practice achieving moments of serenity to maintain one's sanity. 1  ‪#‎IGoQuietNow‬

Limiting one's exposure to pain

Let's see... do you think if I click "I dont want to see" this on enough of the Generational Hollywood Sex Scandal that FB will get the hint...

See folks just dont get it.. this is only the beginning...

That man aint roll by himself.. you know how many old timers are BUGGING RIGHT NOW.....

Quite a few are still entertaining... folks have to understand that TIMES WERE DIFFERENT....

All this BS they say about WHY WHY WHY... YOU KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT... just like how you kept is shut when old men in your area wanted you to sit on their laps... DAYUM Them freaking FLASHBACKS - DO NOT FADE CORRECTLY .. they can always be TRIGGERED...

These freedom of speeches and access to INFORMATION wasnt possible back them..

Shit.. today someone farts across the world, we smell the stench before the sphincter even tightens back up.

What I am saying that as a SURVIVOR of all types of shit... this constant bombardment ... overexposure of PREDATORS, VICTIMS and Praise Da Lord ... SURVIVORS (The only thing that eases the spirit) is stressful.

Trust me.. this is one of the times Im really glad I dont have a television.
I couldnt take the constant assault from the news media.

On the internet.. if I scroll by or dont click .. I can buffer myself a bit.

As bold as I may be... Im fragile.. my spirit is delicate. Im sensitive to my fellow human beings on this planet called Earth.

Empathy .. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. (Dictionary Definition)

Empathy - I feel what you feel... your pain, anger, disgust, joy, pride, sorrow.. with such intensity that my stomach flips and my eyes leak. (Me)

It takes a lot of work to shield oneself from the constant pain of the world.. seeking out the JOY is really hard work but it has benefits.

I dont have Battered Woman's Syndrome and my skin is not that thick that I can just "pass on by" or in some cases "just accept" that I have to be exposed to needless violence, bloodshed and watching folks human rights be trampled.

Im Pisces... my head is not in the sand.. Ive already been to Hell on Earth and I have learned how to LIVE on my terms to the best of my ability given the circumstance.


I CHOOSE to LIVE in the Lowcountry, it may be lonely (Hey Im coming out of Brooklyn.. there is always someone to play with) my health dictates the need for it's climate ... again old before my time... LOL

Ive filtered a lot of violence out of my system. Through it all, my spirit recognizes genuine hugs...

Social media has a way of bringing out the nice and the nasty.. what makes these recollections of "alleged" abuse even more hard to stomach is the comments.

They are at times cruel yet fortunately there are many who speak ... they bare their souls to quell the animal in one and inform the ignorant in the same breath. RIGHT ON SISTAS!!!!

It's a simple choice that I make because I dont want to feel the pain.
It hurts too much... shoot I cant afford to be depressed up in here... my life already has medical mysteries...

We all have something that we could work ourselves up about and raise our blood pressure.

I try very hard not to expose myself to things that has me making an "ugly" face too often... :-D

At this moment.. leaves dance on a so far 12 hour rainy Lowcountry Sunday .. traffic is steady and moving on Upper King St. (Praise Da Lawd)
The hesitated sound of key clicks this keyboard, as the moisture invades my fingers... (time for medication) ..

 ^^^^^ I had a good run .. let my mind flow and fingers wander.

One has to practice achieving moments of serenity to maintain one's sanity. 1 <3 #IGoQuietNow

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Jezaaaazz… when I think about the goodness of LOVING YOURSELF…

Yes I must admit ….. Whew Lawd… I slid… and I do mean … but HALLELUJAH… I GAVE MYSELF MY FREEDOM…. Yep snapped right the hell back and HOW YA LIKE ME NOW…
Shoot one is always healing … but that’s when you know you’re living.. the pain is nonexistent yet the memory only brings a hearty laugh because you can more the breathe now….
Jezaaaazz… when I think about the goodness of LOVING YOURSELF…
I may not have quite a few things… but HUNTY… I GOT ME… YES… TRUST ME…
When I love me in the mirror… the wrinkles and rings… bulges and well it aint cottage cheese.. more like custard… you know that shea butter and coconut plus vitamin E… whew… anyway … I have love me moments… every time I see the scars … and I rub a little extra stuff on them… I smile…
I AM FREAKING HERE…. now I may be hard to swallow at times… yet those who really take the time to know me… ssshhh dont let now secrets out… LOL
Every now and then I think about .. being stagnant… then I realize… Ive been running since I was 1… Ive had addresses but a HOME devoid of stress and filled with a human acceptance kind of love …. Let me get back to you on that one…
But this moment.. 3:03 pm Charleston SC … Baby Im good…
I have been the foundation for others while in the midst of hell .. so yes.. Im enjoying me time…
The self imposed mental slavery that precluded the physical slavery and emotional bondage which it took more than the spilling of blood to release me from.. WOW
See that’s that HARD HEADED SHIT… like we tell our children and our parents told us and their parents told them… “I went through all that so you wouldn’t have to” but guess what … what I experienced wasnt in my DNA..
This was some evolvement in the change of times, generational and simply, My Road.
I realized a long time ago that “my voice” would have more credence as the I experienced more… There is a process to everything… some blow up early and fizzle out.. some as they get with their own shit… they can speak on the hills and valleys of life…
Dont ever be scared to break free of YOUR PERSONAL BONDAGE… Hell Yeah it’s scary as phuq… but I here to tell you.. it’s worth the risk.. YOU MATTER!!! 1Luv

Let me holler at you a minute...

What's the excuse you use to STOP you from MAKING CHANGES in your life that YOU KNOW will benefit YOU and YOURS in the long run...
but you know folks would be damn angry if you went on the "ME" Bus right now... let them stay in their lane...
Let me holler at you a minute...
See this is the thing about MANIFESTING A DREAM... at some point or another... folks are going to be a tad bit angry because you are spending so much time with YOU...
Until you take the time to PUT YOUR PLAN INTO ACTION you will always be just "plodding along"... DAMN IT LIFE IS FOR LIVING!!!
Make the SACRIFICE ... I know it is hard, lonely and Lord knows it aint easy.
Yet Inner Peace is so very worth it... when you know YOU are doing what YOU ARE CALLED TO DO... respect YOUR SPIRIT and HONOR YOUR SOUL...
Allow for UNIVERSAL LOVE to be shared and spread through you.
See, HAPPY PEOPLE  .... they make a difference in the lives of others..
Every now and then .. an inbox message.. "How can I get what you have?" HUH????
Im spiritually blessed with some measure of balance because Ive weathered a few storms.
It's given me the fortitude and preparedness to Stop, Listen and then Act with the assurance of future storms to come... yet the knowledge to know... I can see the silver lining in the clouds.. always have.
What gets you through is FAITH .. yeah it can get weary..
Yet, if you have indeed been true to YOU .. you can handle anything.
See when something comes to ROCK YOUR FOUNDATION.. if your azz aint know how to STAND ... then you just might fall ... some may sway and rock.. to and fro... yet the past has given you the lesson to PLANT YOUR FEET FIRMLY and BE TRUTHFUL TO YOURSELF AND YOUR BELIEFS ...
then Yes... whatever is left in the wake of the can handle.
Give yourself a break and LOVE ON YOU A LITTLE BIT..
You got to treat YOU right to know what you can accept from another.
Check YOU out... it's ever too late or too early...

Friday, November 21, 2014

UPDATED - Charleston SC Lowcountry Kwanzaa 2014 Schedule -



Seven Days of Kwanzaa: A celebration of community and heritage

UMOJA (Unity) 
Friday Dec 26. 5 - 6 pm
Lighting of the KWANZAA KINARA, Marion Square Park
Friday, December 26, 2014 7pm - 9pm
Reclamation Service
Location: Nichols Chapels AME
57 Kennedy Street, Charleston, SC

KUJICHAGULIA (Self Determination)
Saturday, December 27, 2014 6pm - 8pm
Annual Multifaceted Kwanzaa Program sponsored by Ta Seti Dynasty
Location: YMCA
2085 Cannon Street, Charleston, SC

UJIMA (Collective Work and Responsibility)
Sunday, December 28, 2014 5 - 7 p.m. 
Charleston Youth Photo Exhibit opening at 1600 Meeting Street. Sponsored by Family TYES SC, Enough Pie and Gullah Society. Refreshment donations are appreciated!

UJAMAA (Cooperative Economics)
Monday, December 29, 2014 2:30pm – 7pm
Celebration of Ujamaa
Parade begins at Phillip Simmons Mall Park (America St. and Columbus St., Charleston, SC, 29413) and ends at St. Julian Devine Community Center (1 Cooper St, Charleston, SC). There will be a program to celebrate Ujamaa after the parade ends.

NIA (Purpose)
Tuesday, December 30, 2014 4pm - 8pm
Evening in the spirit of Nia, sponsored by the Tri-County Black Nurses Association and the YWCA
Program Centered around the principle of Nia.
Location: YWCA
106 Coming Street, Charleston, SC

KUUMBA (Creativity)
Wednesday, December 31, 2014 4pm - 6pm
Discuss and celebrate the principle of Kwanzaa with your family.

IMANI (Faith)
Thursday, January 1, 2015 1pm
Annual Remembrance Day Ceremony Sankofa Burial Grounds
Location: Corner of Folly Rd. and Maybank Hwy

KARAMU (Feast) 4pm - 8pm
African Drum and Dance and Various Performing Groups
Reading of Essays from Contest Winners, Children Arts and Crafts to celebrate Kuumba
Location: Ferndale Community Center
1919 Bolden Ave, North Charleston, SC

Thursday, November 20, 2014

It takes work!!

Happiness comes from working through frustration and anger to a level of clarity and peace. It takes work!! 

Consider yourself BLESSED.

Whether rich or poor .. even in between.. there are many who will not be allowed to opportunity to live their own lives.. pursue their own dreams.
If you're living your life on your own terms.. consider yourself BLESSED.

I know they'd be listening tonight!! ‪#‎Immigration‬ #OMABAImmigrationSpeech 8 pm

I know they'd be listening tonight!! ‪#‎Immigration‬
Just had a flashback to the plane ride here.. Pan Am... you know they used to give out those little wings... had a big doll with me that sang "London Bridge is Falling Down" .. I was 3 ..
British born yet traveling on a Jamaican passport as such was the birthplace of my Mother.
The next flight years later .. headed to Jamaica...
I remember returning a few years traveling companion was whisked through.. she was American born .. I was being pulled aside and hearing my name over the loudspeaker...
Immigration Officers had called my Mother in.. seems since I was the holder of a Green Card.... Alien Registration card I was to be in the country every 364 days.. the excuse of me being in school was unwarranted..
The next morning instead of chilling... off to INS we go....
Fast forward High school the little box under the signature line wasnt checked... though the authorities knew at that time I was a citizen of the USA ... I filled out financial aid forms checking Alien...
Fastforward 1996 ... Immigration and Welfare Reform Act... in there was the grandfather clause I had been looking for.
I had told my father I wouldnt be a citizen until I knew the laws and the rules.. this was necessary because I saw someone who was the child of immigrants like myself who had filed and the day to swear in was taken aside.. handed her naturalization certificate and given a hand shake.
You see at this point the topic of "Derivative Citizen" was more than clarified.
Here was proof in my face...
I downloaded, printed and read that long ass document... there it was..
I could proceed..
At this point it comes down to filing the correct paperwork.. it's all in the fine print. Even more so if I had been male and needed for Selective Service.. I would have been informed that I was a citizen..
Yet, another way is to apply for a US passport..
You see parents who seek naturalization and have children under the age of 18 no matter where they are in the world; who fail to check the box under the signature line leave their children in a strange limbo.
I did not raise my hand to swear in when I claimed my naturalization certificate.. you see some 20 years before... my Father had already raised his..
The INS gives you a handshake.. and if you're lucky .. you get your old passport / visa / green card pics back as well.  1  ‪#‎RespectPOTUS‬
My father delayed leaving the country just so he could ‪#‎VOTEFOROBAMA‬ .. I need to listen tonight before the Old Man shows up in my dreams. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It's a beautiful thing when you assist at the foundation of an entity.. watch as it flourishes and blossoms... one can safely go on to other things because you know they're good!!
I pride myself in teaching someone how to fish .. now this could be anything from use of computer to promotions and marketing for their entity..
What's cool is when I see that they are following through and handling their business.
I was never meant to be anything to any one "entity" other than assistance from time to time...
My body doesnt allow me to work full time for anyone except the Most High and every now and then He/She will just trap me in my bed anyway. LOL
I can't always make it everywhere... I'd like to think I set a precedence.
I dont know what is planned ahead for me.. I simply want to be ready to rise to the occasion when the time comes.

Being Obedient to Your Spirit

"Years ago when I was falling in love with Orisa, Baba Oladele Fann ibaye gave me a 45 disc of Ocha music. The record had a cover picturing a Cuban man sitting by his Ocha which had been dressed for an anniversary. I loved that picture even if I did not know what the music was about at the time...hey I was a teenager into African dance. Now here in my eyes a recreation of that record cover as I celebrate 39 years of Obatala dancing in my head. Modupe pupo Brenda Jennifer Peart for capturing this image. Orisa Eepa!"
The coolest thing about this occasion I had been taking occasional pictures throughout the evening. Seemingly overwhelmed about the fact that I had indeed been returned to the fold.
It's been nearly 5 years since Ive lived in Charleston SC and had yet to attend an Ocha function. My heart and soul had been crying for this very evening. Here I was.
The cameras were packed away.. this was the last photo as I was exiting taken with my phone. I knew I wanted it for the cover of my photo album on Facebook... I didnt know it would be linked directly to the past. Mafedefun Egun. 

Be easy with you.

Soooo someone remembered to turn on the heat.. its gonna be a trip in a little while. I think she has the thermostat on near 80º
Y'all continue the prayers on me having mine.. ‪#‎IDontShareWell‬ LOL
Woke up this morning with overflowing waters above my head in the bathroom..
Common sense aint so damn common indeed.
I guess there will be many anecdotes that come through the next few months as I journey to that which is mine to do what I do.
See it's not stagnation. Its preparation.
Humility is a garnered strength.. it's a warrior's way.
LOL the words to the Kappa Sweetheart song comes to mind..
A lot of things I could have done.. lot of things I could have been but decidedly ME this incarnation at this time has chosen this space and place to play.
Funny how sometimes the big dreams get derailed by the little ones because they gain momentum and propel you into a position of easily manifesting the big dream.
See it's all about patience.
Everything isn't going to come Right Now. And if it does its usually at a heck of a cost.
One has to nurture a dream.
Take the time to develop and explore ALL YOUR SKILLS. They'rebfrom you .. they will support the bigger dreamed.
They're not deferred. They are awaitjng their moment.
Be easy with you. Work steadily .. embrace your own pace of creativity.
Preserve your spirit and mantain your integrity to your craft.
It will all pay off in due time. 1
LikeLike ·  · 

Monday, November 17, 2014

YES.. it's the human thing to do.

Rambling thoughts..
Dancing leaves, swaying trees .. still of the night pierced by Boeing or was it.military ... same difference.. they always bank a turn overhead.
It takes a lot of work to keep one's spirits up in the cold and yet alone. A vicious combination.
Don't let folks fall through the cracks.
Me.. I use social media .. my peeps lnow Im alive because Im posting.
This next month and a half stretch is tough for many.
Reach out as best you can .. it know its not easy.. but someone out there is going to have their life saved because someone gave a damn.
Check on the Elders in the community.
Invite singles and college students to your gatherings. Trust me. It makes a difference.
Not everyone is surrounded by loved ones or family.. thinking of the traveling workers... military.. shoot regular people like me.
Sometimes you just end up in new territory.
You know people bytch a lot about folks working holidays. . But the funny thing is. There are always customers.
There are many who dine alone on holidays in restaurants that they used to have quietly to themselves.. now since some folks never learned how to cook the restaurants have traditionally become their homes on holidays.
The malls. A place for people to quietly go about their business without the masses.
Many have no idea what it is to be in a town where folks know your name but not enough for inclusion.
It's ok to pay attention to the energy around you!!
Are we really supposed to give a damn that much about a neighbor?
Sighing heavily.. YES.. it's the human thing to do. ‪#‎DepressionIsAMutha‬

"Licensed to carry ...... a camera"

All I know is Precision Camera better return a FIXED camera BEFORE Kwanzaa season... I'S GOT THINGS TO DO... Tee hee hee

It is so important to follow your mind. I do send my life Being Obedient to My Spirit.

I know the consequences of going against it. I also know I love what I do.

It's not by chance that I take an amazing amount of pictures.. Im high school and college yearbook trained... Shoot Anything and EVERYTHING.. it's that simple.

Not all photographers operate in this manner.. Im glad.. leaves a niche for me.

Documenting an occasion .. means pictures of EVERYTHING.

I dont really have the patience for posed pics.

35 years later and Im back at the thing that allowed me to be a part of the community of my high school.

"Licensed to carry ..... a camera" ... it's a beautiful thing ... you go into stealth mode right in front of who know's how many people.

There is always that moment when you're zooming in on a shot and the person senses you... you both smile... squeeze the trigger... moment captured.

Yet I love crowds.. the bigger the better.

There is a spiritual energy that sweeps through an area when people are united for a common cause.

It's this spirit that moves me... has me flying... I operate based of the energy of the people.

Though so much has been taken away, this one skill remains.

It's a physical struggle ... yet the spirits who operate those cameras they continue to give me life.

As Ive said before, Charleston SC and the Lowcountry's weather patterns have literally given me life. I wasnt able to shoot for 14 years.

I have no way of literally counting my blessings. The continuous love I feel from the Universe allows me to in so many ways to LIVE and for this Im very grateful. 1 <3

Humbled one of my photographs included 2014/11 article - Mother of the Movement

I do what I do because Im drawn to it...

I cover cultural and traditional customs in the Lowcountry.

Ive always said Charleston SC is my JamaicaAfrica ...

My spirit soars and my soul is content..

An honor such as this floors me. - Mother of the Movement: Article

for more pics of Charleston Middle Passage Remembrance Program

Sunday, November 16, 2014

#MyBiggestFear .. loss of my smile. #NeedDentalCare

#MyBiggestFear .. loss of my smile. A smile is a personal greeting card. #NeedDentalCare

Though I have medical coverage there is no #dentalcoverage available for the #disabled over 21 in Charleston SC on #Medicaid nor does #Medicare cover it.

My only dental alternatives should not be extraction but access to affordable preventative dental maintenance. 

If you know if such a program.. pls let me know.

Mouth and Teeth Health are extremely important yet programs have disappeared from the Charleston peninsula and #ECCO is overwhelmed.

The annual #DAD #DentalAccessDaysare.overwhelmed as well and in different regions each year.

I need current PC specs.. time for a new Work Horse #NewComputerHunt

On a serious note.. yours truly needs a NEW COMPUTER ...
Im not a brand person. . I need specs.
What is the current beast? Ill work my way backwards from there.
Most likely its a barebones that I need. The pocket will only stretch so far.
Main purpose is processing VIDEO & HD pics. (Not concerned with Blue Ray just yet. I need a WORKHORSE!! . The processor, graphics card and RAM have to be sweet.
I just want Movie Maker to be able to handle my stuff.. (mostly HD but pieces over an hour if need be let it run Sony Vegas cleanly and swiftly. I'll learn it if I have to.
What I work with now you will realize aint nothing short of miracle working. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

HALLELUJAH ... a song led to testimony ...

Whew .... Yes Lawd I made it to TODAY... for some they done made it to the WEEKEND... we all have something any little thing to be full of PRAISE for..

HALLELUJAH ..... I see ya clapping your hands... Oh Yes... stomp those feet...

I know ... trust me I know.. being grateful just for the air that you breathe... HALLELUJAH.... Aint it  something that the rent / mortgage is paid this month..
the car note and insurance are paid

Lawd.. Hallelujah there is FOOD IN THE FRIDGE AND THE CUPBOARDS...

HALLELUJAH.... Properly covered feet and heads in this weather.. clothes on our backs Lawd..

Lord we are so very grateful for the corner where we get to lay our heads...
Lord we know the difference... Oh Hallelujah... to have been delivered from the darkest storms and be able to stand and bear witness to LIFE!!!!!

Mercy... I aint know this was going to turn into a testimony .. but aint every day a testimony for everyone...

We all cannot bear what another may bear with a shrug and a smile
The Most High dont give His/Her Children more than they can bear

Those who are burdened are the ones who they strength aint but Living Proof too others that they are not alone...

it's the little things that can turn your life around... make the effort to be HAPPY!!!

Know that within YOU there is an OVERFLOWING LOVE.... use it to make YOU the best that YOU can be...

Yes, some of us want to change the world... but Honey.. if you aint covered YOUR OWN AZZ FIRST aint a damn thing gonna get done..

I learned how to say NO to save my life.... see I had been busy saving the world as I was experiencing a Spiritual Rebirth but a Mental and Emotional Death with my body bearing the Physical Toll...

When one WAKES THE HELL UP AND RECOGNIZES THAT LOVING ONESELF is the way to ASSIST THE WORLD.... then your focus changes..

If you can't go way done deep inside you and find the light.... then forget trying to do for others... RECOGNIZE YOUR POWER... HONE YOUR SKILLS

BE READY when called to service.... because LIVING LIFE is the only way!!!! AMEN 1 <3

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Sewing Room

In my future .... A Sewing Room .... a space where these spirits can play.
They have been very patient with me in the past 4 years... they know they have no room to play.
Trust me.. when sewing begins in my home... it's a Spiritual Party.
My Mother and Grand Mother sewed in Sewing Circles .. only some can grasp this notion...
Moments of constant creativity spurred by rhythms of voice... the sssh sssshing of the scissors ... back and forth motions of Singer Foot pedals... watching the wheels turn... (electricity didnt come until later)
Blanket, binding, hemming, basting... tacking .. pleats.. curling.. hook and eyes, buttons and gores.
needle and thread... clot'... that's the way my father said it.. my mother had this way of going to Pitkin Ave, the Bowery, Delancy or 14th Street and returning with BOLTS of material... there was always a method to her madness..
I know all these tricks of the trade except my body aint with it right now...
There has to be away of let this spirit be released ... trust me there is an entire line of very unique items that are waiting to surface..
They'll surface in due time... it's just that they require their own space... this is one thing that my Sewing Spirits dont play with.. they do not like sharing energies.
Sewing is a pristine relationship... the bond is sacred...
there is a flow... sometimes the garment reveals itself, then awaits manifestation..
other times the cloth appears and speaks to the seamstress/tailor.
Either way.. it a spiritual union... no matter which comes first...
Some move with pattern.. others can free cut...
some are anal to the point of madness
others produce as much as others breathe...
yet once the pinning occurs.. some still do use pattern and the cutting begins...
aint no turning back... the journey is in progress....
The construction of a garment is as sacred as the construction of a dwelling...
it is indeed.. for a body..
My Mother a Seamstress / Baker .. My Father a Carpenter / Mason
Measurements are a way of life in my world... math was applied from day one.
then the stitching begins... oh the joy as the art forms...
pardon me... Im getting a bit too excited...
They are claiming their space
They must see the home..
I can smell the backyard.
I can feel the presence of the Most High
My Blessings all in due time!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

There are always levels to this ish.

At times cycles repeat ... there are introductory and probationary periods in life.

I see Oshun smiling.. it's her doing .. that 5 again .. in concert with an unlikely ally though few realize that pretty and dangerous always flow together.

There are complexities of the human psyche that I dare not involve myself; the intricacies of others in concert where emotions are said to be in love can get messy.

This is where Im saved each time.. though there are periods of alone time.. warrior progression .. there is always a life cycle achievement for one's service.

What I thought was graduation time wasn't. One cannot use an academic scheduling on spiritual matters.

Life tends to flow it's own way... as you recognize the cycle that you are traveling through .. you know the next level is presenting itself.

There is no conclusion.. no prize.. just simple progression.

There are always levels to this ish.

If you are able to go able your daily tasks with an inner smile and appreciation of the forces of nature and are moved by the movement of the planets.. then you are indeed on the way.

Some constantly fight and buck the very nature of their own personal spirit and repeatedly blame these blockages on the universe.

We have to listen to the stillness around us.

There is movement in the air which delivers personal messages at all times, if we could just breathe a little to receive it.

We would be well.  1 <3

Men have always fed my mind and spirit

Though I dont have a significant other..... Ive got some of the most gallant, chivalrous gentlemen of all ilks in my life. Just wanted to say YOU ROCK!!!
Yes, quite a few men from all facets of my life are on my friends list... looking at profile pics is truly going down memory lane.
Good Memories - Learned and Shared experiences which continue to fuel community purposes. !!! 
Ive been blessed to be in the company of many... some my senior, some my junior, some my age mates, yet no matter what.. we have always made it through the roads and avenues of friendships and inter personal relationships.
Men have always fed my mind and spirit.. I came into the world with 5 older brothers and a father... was blessed with high school track and football teams among others... the same in college.
These alliances have continued over time in many fashions ... sometimes you've gone way outside your normal travel zone, only to run into one of them that know you. A blessing always... 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Lawd knows so much was learned.

My Moor was never into birthdays.
Yet he never wanted you to forget his day. Lol
Lawd knows so much was learned.
There was horror, which has become a continual blessing.
Lawd knows he aint no damn good but Yes Sir he has good in him. Tee hee hee
He always recognized my diamond qualities. Though his actions said otherwise; at times in that twisted bipolar mind of his my progress and spirit were always paramount.
Scorpio - Pisces bonds can be surreal.
Forgiveness is a lesson that teaches us humility and love. Hate doesn't allow one to prosper.
I have no regrets. The Cold Soul Man taught me to love and appreciate myself to the max. Muchas Gracias IMR  Felicidades

Monday, November 3, 2014

Folly Jazz Festival .... my notes before I look at the pics and videos I shot... LOL

Nice Twitter stats for the weekend ... favorites and retweets make me smile.. Folks obviously like Jazz, Big Band, Instruments, Music, the Beach and Sunrises.. 
Of course, in addition to the 2 days of musical activities... Ive got lots of sunrise pics... I stepped away on Sunday morning to take pics on the other side so did catch "the instant" the Sun began to appear on the horizon....
I was not going to miss it this morning... cameras were in position!! 
My mother before she crossed over indicated that I know how to survive, when would I learn how to live...
I come to see it is an acquired persistence of having one's soul touched and even more so making continual efforts to participate in activities that elevate one's spirit.
Documenting an event is a process.... Im still not in the know...
At some point today, I expect to be overwhelmed by the photographs and videos of the two days I spent at the inaugural Folly Jazz Festival.
Being there was an absolute blessing ... being part of the nurturing flow created by those Sunday evenings of Jazz on The Edge has appeased my musical spirits... coming on the scene first at Sandbar Seafood and Steak Restaurant, Folly Beach, SC and now at home at The Grill and Island Bar.
Awesome food..Great staff led by Jason Craig THANK YOU 
When you get to partake in someone's dream, in this case Starr Acheson &Patience Clements... one is honored...
"My Folly Sistas" worked their asses off to pitch, procure, produce and present this 2 day near 15 act musical epic experience!
Im damn glad I said YES back in February when Starr requested my presence!!!
I witnessed an "AH HA Lightbulb" moment last night... I cant wait to see what
Ladies cook up... THANK YOU 
Kudos to the FJF committee... looking forward to Nov. 7 & 8th, 2015!!!!
I had my cranky moments because who da heck brought "Da Chill" to Charleston and Folly Beach of all places!!!! 
I saw folks who I hadn't seen in a minute though we Like, Share and Comment on a regular basis on FB. I had a blast!!!!!
I met so many new people... it was fantastic!!!
Each one of them an accomplished musical artist ...... from 14 - 89 do you know how freaking awesome it was to witness and have access to document such an interchange of inter-generational musical genius.
I'll sum it up like this.... Ive been BLESSED!!!!!