Thursday, July 31, 2014

The "this" ... Be Happy...

Some folks can't start over because they never began in the first place.
They simply went along with the "program".
If you're wallowing in self pity about all that is freakin' wrong and you haven't made a proactive move on your own behalf..
Then it's time to get off the damn pot.
Sometimes folks get damn comfortable in shitty situations. .
Especially those that if they just breathe a little fresh air into their lives things just might change.
This ish called life is FOR LIVING!!!
On her deathbed my mother kept asking when would I learn HOW TO LIVE??
See I had survival down pat. Heck its what I was trained for. Last of 7 of depression era born parents.
My mother dried and reused paper towels. Yes I know the mechanics of survival. Add 7 of the formative years in the Jamaican countryside.
I know too many ways to bring a chicken from coop to table.
Yet, living didnt come until I released myself to do so.
I had been existing on the energy of others.. yes I helped them but was growing yet stifling myself at the same time.
Their concerns and needs were more important than mine.
Happiness. . What was that? As long as others were smiling I was cool.
It was somewhere before death and possible insanity that clarity said HEY... you want to do this or what??
The "this" ... Be Happy...
Wanting to go somewhere dont mean jack until the journey begins..
You dont need all your ish to start over.. take the important papers.
Anything needed to identify..qualify and verify your existence..
Sometimes you truly have to be a ninja... it could be broad day light.. they see you leaving.
They just don't recognize that this time.. you're gone.
See when you actually start to live.. it doesnt matter that you don't have "comforts" all that matters is
So if you're at that point where you've run out of excuses for making a difference in YOUR LIFE...
Look in the freakin' mirror.. is that a happy face??
If you cant honestly smile back at you and be grateful to be alive..

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Being Obedient to My Spirit

I was ill prepared for the journey which was probably quite best otherwise there wouldn't be much of a story to tell.

Being Obedient to My Spirit and simply going with the flow had me headed to one of the premier resorts locations in the world.

Yet upon arrival my spirit was yearning for something else.

Being in tune, one way to put it, means YOU LISTEN!!

You don't try to fight the feeling... them spirits get insistent.

We know when it's more than what it appears to be on the surface.

What does your gut say???

when walking in certain lands you have to get into the rhythm, I tend to go a bit deeper and the Ancestors are the ones who call.

It's always been said I'd prefer to spend more time with the Egun than the living.

Aah but the stories... see at this stage of the game...

They are having me locate spaces that Ive never seen speak about them and bringing them to light... we all have our audiences...... if but for one person to learn, see, share and want the experience of knowing, visiting and researching the many space and places that I am privy to.. then indeed I am doing my Olokun work.

So above as below.. when I walk the gardens of Oya in stride filled with energies of Centelle N'Doki ... Zarabanda is always present... he greets all... The Inquisitor.

Notes from #WalkAbout #Mitchelville #HiltonHeadIsland

One of the major things that stands out.. NONE of the cemeteries that I visited had any marker saying what location this was.... graves were by the roadside, right in the middle of strip malls... graves were the tucked down dirt roads and over a ways a piece.... we saw marked ones... we just didnt visit them.... 

See this is where getting out the car, meeting and greeting... will get you what you want... My Spirit will have me jumping out cars... you've to have some serious reflexes when Im in the car... right Crystal Kornickey it has to be a Pisces thing..... we will explore some terrain on this #WalkAbout the drive wasSridhar Rangaswamy ... sharp driving skills. THANK YOU!!!

The Most High will put in position for both to learn many things....

The videos are a trip... trust me... LOL Even on the way out.... back through Beaufort.... yet another cemetery... this tucked in the edge of the military base....

As I think about it... knowing that I am a child of Zarabanda and Centelle N'Doki... being greeting by a cloud of smoke, thick in the air your could smell the burning rubber and yet again... My Driver made a U Turn... there were a lot of U Turns on this trip... my personality can be a bit forceful when it is spirit driven...

Some have come to accept and know when it is more than just Brenda speaking... when the deep me comes out... a lot of things rise to the surface... my tongue is sharp and my tone intense....

Those bikes at Chad Walton Racing was definitely a Palo Mayombe moment 

Thankfully there is ease Lowcountry... spiritual life in New York required more ritual. It took extra effort to commune with the forces of nature and feel your way through the muck and mire of the underbelly.

Here, I live and breath with Lowcountry Rhythms and as you can see... the exploration has intensified.... that's why there is always a go bag packed... LOL

I believe this ties in with the children needing to remember their Elder parents post I did the other day.... in the long range view of it ... we also without parents adopting Elders and preserving our history, lineage and lives...

Sala Malecun .... the work continues....

Mitchelville, Hilton Head Island, SC

 Set your GPS for Beach City Road
 Mitchelville Preservation Project Facebook
“Good colored people, you have a great work to do, and you are in a position of responsibility. This experiment is to give you freedom, position, homes, your families, property, your own soil. It seems to me a better time is coming … a better day is dawning.”
With these words, Union General Ormsby Mitchel proclaimed that the land the people of Mitchelville, South Carolina, had once toiled under the chains of slavery was now their own. 
The triumphant and touching post-Civil War story of the rise of the first self-governed settlement for freedmen in the United States took place right here, on Hilton Head Island. 
It’s a story as old and as rich as the soil itself; a testament to the sacrifice, resilience and perseverance of our nation’s very first freedmen, and thanks to The Mitchelville Preservation Project, today, America can relive it.
In 1862, shorly after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed -- while most of the African-American slave population was still trying to adjust to the idea of their new post-war freedom -- the people of Mitchelville were busy creating a completely new, self-governed culture that would be the guidepost for generations to follow.
These industrious new citizens built homes on neatly arranged streets, elected their own officials, developed laws, built an economy, and implemented mandatory education for their children. In fact, the reports of the success of Mitchelville were so glowing, that the famous Underground Railroad freedom fighter, Harriet Tubman, was sent to Hilton Head to see this bustling town, so she could share the story of Mitchelville’s self-governed success with future freedmen towns.
Situated on Hilton Head Island, SC, Mitchelville represents a jewel within the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor that forms the roots of the African-American's contribution to the heritage of freedom in America. 
Today the Gullah, direct decedents of those who settled on Mitchelville, still live and continue the traditions of their ancestors.

"Da spirit of freedom lives in we."

Friday, July 11, 2014

Have Mercy Lord.... Have Mercy Please... these headlines ache the heart....

Peace & Blessings....

Heavenly Father as you being to open the storms over the sky... I ask that you recognize that we are feeling this Cancer season in a vicious way...

The news that Mercury is carrying is weighty at times...
even in the midst of the blessings

Do you really want them to understand just what parenthood is??

You appear to be calling all these babies.. baby babies back home is seemingly wicked manners.....

Have Mercy Lord.... Have Mercy Please... these headlines ache the heart....

Ah Yes we are only human... yet you continually show us just how much we can bear.

Lord cover those on the road, myself included and in the homes too Lord...

Y'all have a wonderful weekend and be grateful for what you have, what you can give, what you can share and what you are receiving,..... 1 <3

RELEASED ..................... HALLELUJAH - Mind and Heart Clear

I done seen some things and heard some things and I dont understand... but you know what,.... I blamed the parents... some of y'all done raised some hellified selfish ones and their sense of humanity has backfired when it comes to family.

CAREFUL THE FIRE YOU BREATHE INTO YOUR CHILD.... that flame may burn you....

It's just that there are so many who are estranged from their living parents..

Young People.... those on the rise... those who come from humble beginning and HAVE RISEN ABOVE the status of their parents... or so they think.... B|


You can claim them good grades all you want... but who was working the hours that paid for, who went to games and competitions, exhibits  and ish filling out them forms... who was robbin' Peter to pay Paul to make sure that their baby never wanted for a damn...

YOUR MAMA OR YA DADDY OR BOTH OR EVEN GRANDPARENTS, AUNTIES, UNCLES... if they rolled up and blessed your over the course of your life time...

BLESS EM BACK...... Get the backdoor fixed... paint the living room...
perform an act of giving that truly was never asked for but when done has greatly improved the situation that was present before... PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR WANTS... the fact that they are still alive in your life,,, THE MOST HIGH HAS ALREADY TAKEN CARE OF THEIR NEEDS

Some of Y'all degree'd up mofo who have living biologicals who they visit from time to time....


How many times they done done it for you...

You know they aint gone tell you truth when you ask "do they need"?

Dont ask jack... DROP THEN BENJAMINS ON 'EM!!!!

Some of y'all forgetting when the grandbabies wearing $200 sneakers their older parents are going through some changes....

it's not easy getting up in age and down in pocket in the United States of America, especially when you have been reduced to a fixed income and probably a modified health status in some cases..

Y'all got to think long and hard... what pains my heart is that COMMON SENSE done skipped some people.. yet they are the ones preparing leaders of tomorrow...

If You aint got none... adopt one...

Be a gift of life... pay a bill or two anonymously.. leave a card under the pillow... pull her aside in the kitchen.. pull him aside while he's chillin'

If they treated you right coming up... it's only fair... dont let your Elders especially your parents... want for a damn... SURPRISE EM...

They know you love em... but an empty card and words on the phone aint enough...


TREAT YOUR FOLKS RIGHT..... OK tired now.. this was written over the course of a couple of hours,,,, if the shoe fit... ACT RIGHT 1 <3

Sunday, July 6, 2014

get to plottin' and plannin'

Some folks will keep up a front until it damn near kills them..
Pride goeth before the fall
admit that your life is jacked up
admit that you are human and seek assistance
it's much better than wallowing in self pity and grief
the worst pain you can inflict on yourself is continual denial of the fact that there needs to be changes in your life
Guess what???
The only one with the power is YOU...
Make the damn decision that is going to make the difference for the rest of your life
if you know you can't swing it this instant...
get to plottin' and plannin'
You've only got this one freakin' life to leave a heck of a mark
Make sure it's one you'll take some pride in having lived,.
Someone needed this one here.... Mercy!!! 1 
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Thursday, July 3, 2014

2014 Cuban Caravan visit / stopover in Charleston

Via #AveryInstitute

MARK YOUR CALENDAR - Monday July 14 , 2014 6pm  #AveryInstitute

This year marks the 25th Pastors for Peace Friendship Caravan to Cuba, a project of the Inter-religious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO).

Once again, the Avery Research Center for African American History & Culture will serve as host for the 2014 Cuban Caravan visit / stopover in Charleston. The caravan will arrive in Charleston on Monday July 14 , 2014 between the hours of 4:00 - 6:00 p.m and our program at the Avery Research Center begins at 6:00pm.

As has been our tradition, we will have a communal meal (a la potluck) commencing @ 5:30 p.m. So everybody, please bring a dish to share, along with all of the utensils, etc. needed to serve your dish. Please have pot luck food at the Avery Research Center by at least by 4:30 pm on Monday, July 14, 2014.

Contact Mr. Curtis J. Franks at: or 843.953.7610, and let him know what your dish / food contribution is going to be.
Also, *monetary contributions toward the meal, and certainly to the organization, is strongly encouraged.

In the Spirit of Freedom Summer, we acknowledge and recognize the Cuban government for awarding scholarships to attend medical school to thousands of students from Africa, Asia, and the Americans (including South Carolinians). Reciprocity has its place, so let's get busy and support the Caravanistas & other initiatives to improve the quality of life of as many people as we can.
Monetary donations in the form of checks should be made out to the organization: IFCO. Donations are tax deductible.

Charleston Middle Passage Remembrance 2014

Charleston Middle Passage Remembrance 2014 - 3 part video playlist

#GetInvolved Join us 2nd Sat June 13, 2015. Ft. Moultrie, Sullivan's Island!! 9am - 1pm The Legacy continues. Pick a port city and #GetInvolved CHARLESTON REMEMBRANCE COMMITTEE (843) 814-7609

To the waters of Sullivan's Island close to the location of the Pest Houses where enslaved Africans were first lodged for 10 days upon their arrival in South Carolina.


At 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2014 The Charleston Remembrance Committee will conduct The 17th Annual Charleston Middle Passage REMEMBRANCE Program, paying homage and tribute to the millions of Africans who perished in the Middle Passage.

The Middle Passage refers to the part of the African Holocaust during which captive Africans were crammed into the cargo holds of ships like livestock, bound for chattel slavery in the Americas. These living, breathing men, women and children who had families, hopes, dreams and aspirations, were stripped of any sense of humanity. Historians estimate that 10 - 20 million Africans died from disease, starvation, suicide and murder during this torturous voyage. Indeed, author and historian, Dr. John Henrik Clarke proclaimed, “If the Atlantic were to dry up, it would reveal a scattered pathway of human bones, African bones marking the various routes of the Middle Passage.”

Saturday, June 14, 2014, the public is invited to Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s Island for the 17th annual memorial and healing rite in Charleston, SC. Similar programs will take place simultaneously at numerous ports around the world, including New York, California, Washington, Virginia, Panama, The Virgin Islands, Brazil, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Ghana. Remembrance programs are held on the Atlantic coast or near another body of water. Charleston is an important historical location for this tribute as it was the port of entry for 40 to 60 percent of enslaved Africans arriving to America’s shores as human cargo. 

We ask those attending to meet in the auditorium of the Fort Moultrie Visitor’s Center promptly at 9:00 a.m. The program will begin with a viewing of The Language You Cry In, the one-hour documentary which “links Africa and America, past and present, in a compelling story that helps us to examine violence and redemption, then and now” (Peter Wood, author of Black Majority). The presentation will be followed by a drum-led procession to the beach, African dancing, and prayers. Clergy of all denominations and the lay public are invited to attend and participate. Libations will be poured at 12:00 noon SHARP, coinciding with those being poured at ports worldwide. The ceremony will conclude with a drum circle. Attendees are encouraged to wear white or African attire and bring flowers and fruit in remembrance of those who perished during the Middle Passage. 

For more information, visit the Charleston Middle Passage Remembrance Program Facebook page. For more information email: or call (843) 814-7609.

Join us .... 
Saturday, June 13, 2015
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Fort Moultrie – Sullivan’s Island

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Where would the balance be????

In looking back at the post that asked folks if they would pick the red or the blue pill.
One for mastery of music, the other for mastery of language. 
Ive gotten a few laughs today.

Having spent a great deal of time with "gifted" people I know of the stress and weight of having too many gifts..

I remember the early years of asking the Most High to release me from "seeing" and "hearing" things that others didnt... for a moment He complied... along with it went all the other natural gifts that I had been given...

So yes I can imagine being overwhelmed with the creative urges that being able to play every single instrument would entail....

I can imagine never having a moment of quiet in my mind because I can literally communicate in every single language...

Some things seem like they would be great burdens to bear but they all have consequences.

Where would the balance be????

Would there actually be any rest???

See all these things go into my mind when we speak of having and appreciating much more than we have been given.

Ive been blessed with the ability that no matter what language a tourist would speak while in NYC... I was always able to get them to where they wanted to go..

Ive been blessed with friends, acquaintances and associates who just happen to play darn near every instrument under the sun... would I want that all in one person????.. NO....

I like the choices that the Most High has presented... the world is made up of artists, performers and Thank G-d - AUDIENCES!!!!

Im blessed that they are from all over the world and bring with them native tongues and customs that come with the flavor of the region and the spirit of the people.

Maybe I think too much, yet Ive also been blessed to know Autistic Savants... some from they were discovering what was going on... some who are now adults... yet their families still just want a hug... some acknowledgement that they emotionally exist to these geniuses

Value what you have.. be careful what you wish for and most of all... work well for what you actually want to contribute to the universe...

Quick fixes never bring lasting pleasures... #BeGrateful

Somethings in life you simply have to suck up...

Somethings in life you simply have to suck up...
A lot of people see today... they have no idea of the yesterdays
the building of the foundation that it took to get to tomorrow..
a trip because that's the very thing that we are not promised
Have I known "love"... No.. not the kind that you're thinking...
Ive known UNCONDITIONAL LOVE... that which allows me to love universally no matter what has been said or done...
FORGIVENESS .. heck yeah, always in my heart....
WHY, because the weight of other peoples nonsense would poison my spirit if I didnt.....
Know that you are given moments to make a mark in the lives of others...
Some appreciate it... others never will.
It's all good though... because if I could have never forgiven they never would have had the lives that they lived....
So here's to being unselfish, called every name under the sun... folks never know we go through hell just so they can have Heaven on earth.
Trust me... humans doesnt always see or sense what you do... but the Most High peeps everything... 1 
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