Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mercury is retrograde

There is something about the rising of the phoenix
you see when it was in its ashen state
all discombobulated and messed up
it was still thinking..
see it was a matter of spirit
how it was able to recrystallize
and rise

y'all got to be careful
see this retro Mercury has me involved
in linguistic play
playing down in those deep dark depths
Olokuns caverns
Y'all visit there for Black History Month
Can't get through it without traveling the Middle Passage
clanging chains, moaning screams,

Let me leave that alone for now
them stories be bringing in de Ol' Ones
Egun 'round up from 'cross de Diaspora

How many tongues hear???

I be see me in dem
when dem see me
dey laugh and say kin

that which doesnt get released
because for the most part
everything aint for everybody

now for he who wishes to create the vibe
which would cause me to dance with breathe to air moments
that which caresses the soul end elevates the spirit

aaaw man

see something done got them playin'

uh oh dismissal time

everyone has to crawl

Somewhere in the midst of your reality, you realize that you have been manifesting several of the interim dreams.

Sometimes people stress themselves out because they haven't achieved the Big Picture.

Everyone has to crawl ..

There are times in life when you are truly "born again", circumstances in your life just put you on a different path...

.. and you begin again..

you pull yourself up

If you have someone to spend time with.. do it.

Take a hold of your life and LIVE IT...

truly put an effort into enjoying breathing, walking, talking, being

Acceptance of Change .. this is what is boils down to.

There are daily miracles manifesting but we miss them.

We've got to take the time to embrace "signs and wonders"

The Lenten Season approaches ...

A time of introspection

to discover, uncover that which inside you

you need to expose, explore and release

#BrainPhart .. a period of horizontal positioning approaches. 1 <3

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Prayers Unceasingly

Whew ... can't even say a wooo saaa on this one.
The senseless acts of taking the life of another has no color.
Aint nothing but tears flowing, heads shaking and quite a few "I wish I could turn back the hands of time"
The shameless act of murder whether it be 17 y/o with a pen knife .. 22 y/o with flammable liquid .. fathers who wont make it home .. mothers slaughtered with their children
Nations grieve and neighbors cry.
I DONT KNOW HOW OR WHY is everyone's cry!!
No I dont want to see the death toll trending .. no I dont want to see the ashen bodies, torched beyond recognition.
This is it .. that number 8 .. coming hard, fast and furious letting us know that this is the beginning ..
It's FAITH and the belief in a HIGHER POWER that will keep you from losing one's mind and not get distressed at what simply is "natural order".
How do we get to the minds and hearts to instill a love for one's fellow "man".
All around the world.. acts are happening that truly are filling are hearts and minds with pain.
It's hard to shield oneself from it.
Trust me I try.
Senseless acts of violence know not skin color or economic status.
Senseless acts of violence have no regard for age or ability for one to fend for themselves.
Senseless acts of violence will mobilize the people..
It's a damn shame... that it's taken a senseless act of violence for parents to speak with their children.
Senseless acts of violence have no respect for one's zip code.
Im angry this morning .. some will get it.. some won't. .
Doesn't matter if they do.. there are parents of all races in many zip codes making funeral arrangements today.
There are folks whose lives have dramatically changed in the blink of a stupid misguided act.
There is no bringing back the dead which have been ripped from our grasps. They will remain present in our hearts.
I can deal with the dying and the naturally dead ..
I get frigging pissed off when bullshit has someone losing their life and destroys the lives of families for whom it's going to take a long time for them to come to grips with what went down.
What will come of this? Grief creates the strangest allies.
You give birth to them... raise, nurture and pray they get to adulthood.
We clench our fists at G-d, we ask the Ancestors why they called for the babies.
Aint it a bitch... the times are no different though eons have passed.
We as a people are only human; no invincibility in that.
Praying unceasingly ....
May the shocked souls transition and not be left in limbo.
May the families have assistance in healing for this grief road is long!!
May friends understand the retribution only breeds more pain.
Lord I already know for each death brought to my attention you've balanced it with me hearing of those who are being born.
May they have the opportunity to live long healthy prosperous lives.
Dont stop praying folks.
FAITH will be the anchor for many this year. It will help many maintain their sanity.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

All these are components of living .. PAY ATTENTION

It's not that I ignore the tragedies that the world is facing.. I know that there are many whose hearts are broken and the tears cannot seem to stop flowing.
Ive always learned over the years, just how much my empathetic nature can sustain.
Im Pisces to the core, your pain is my pain.
It has taken a lot of work to not necessarily distance, but rather guard my psyche from the damage of "feeling" everything that others are experiencing.
This ability to shield and yet still make a difference was learned through this journey.
It is important in our spiritual walks that we know how to protect ourselves from an over abundance of pain and even joy at times. Everything in moderation in all aspects of our lives.
There are those who have to maintain clear heads in order to be effective on the battlefield of life.
Tragedies are the middle stage of any conflict... like a boil that busts, a clean up team and eventually a solution has to be set in place.
This is where cool and clear heads prevail.
We each have our own fight in the struggle, for many it's rising in the morning and just hoping that their eyes will open, or that the body will allow enough movement for their feet to hit the floor.
Through it all, there has to be hope, laughter, expression of joy.. all these are components of living..
The celebration of life of those who have met with tragedy is a rough road to travel but it must be done.
It's going to take a massive amount of universal love to help right the ethnic cleansing that happens globally on a daily basis.
We spoke of what this year would be.. we knew there would be more tears before there was understanding..
In the midst of it all, try your best to maintain your sanity.
Each and every single mind counts ... it is during times such as this that leaders emerge. PAY ATTENTION.

Friday, January 9, 2015

the very breath of life

So you just imagined trying to see the way I see
Well damn did you dance my steps
hear my beats
feel my rhythms
see the symphony the Most High wrote for me
has melodies, jigs, ballads and sonnets shared with many
I dont recall your staccato forming any sort of crescendo in this aria
truth me told dont your hear the horns of the night
deep bellow of the basson
twinkle of the fife
float of flute
serenade of the sax
damn I know you heard the sssh sssh ssshh of the shekere
all of it
the very breath of life
it's tick
and it's tock
thump thump bump bump laaaa laaaa
like tap dancers on slick wood
shimmy sashay ..
Damn I need to Second Line and not in my head

I keep hearing those beats
what what that you said
you felt my heat
Come on...

Let's Dance