Monday, August 25, 2014

It's an extremely humbling existence.

Good Morning....

I was looking at comments again... this one struck a nerve (pun intended)

"The ALS challenge is intended to show the rest of us what an ALS sufferer feels thru the extreme shock of the ice cold water on the nerves."

It has dawned on me that folks who have attempted the challenge have experienced a moment in my daily life.

This is just why everything aint for everybody... Shiiiiiiid I go through this when I walk into air conditioning .... when the atmosphere switches quickly it can be quite intense....

I know I'd go into shock!!!

Be appreciative of the body and motor skills that you have...

It's one of the things folks take for granted...

Im a little ticked. . Yet I did say this would happen.  Bear with me.
Simple things are very complex right now.

One's physiology is constantly changing.

If there were some sections injured, other parts try to compensate for the lack.

It gets tricky when you wear things out.

Imagine ...

Eating with fork, spoon or hand.. just that short spaced action

Inputting this post on smartphone

Combing one's hair

Writing one's name

Brushing one's teeth

Forget the obvious.. lol

All with the feeling of something stabbing you from back to front pissing off back, spine, arm and hand.

Yet there has to be a freakin' smile somewhere because you can feel this &@$#$@@& .. pardon me.  I never ever pretend to be the greatest patient.

Yes, its been a 25 yr progressive run of constantly adapting and finding new ways to function even with the manipulation of every day menial tasks.

I bought myself some time moving to Charleston .. the last four years have been great but those nerves,  ligaments and muscles I guess must be tired now. They are rebelling.

No.. Im not supposed to touch the damn computers. Yet they're my link to the outside world on days like today.

Most dont know what it's like not to be able to compete because your body says Phuq You.

It's an extremely humbling existence.
There aren't too many who can hang with the complexities of Me.

Lately my man down days are coming with a bit too much frequency.

Let's get past these weeks of changing seasons.

Ive got to order some Cod Liver Oil; and see what my Dr and I come up with tomorrow for pain management.

This current knife in my back ain't responding to much. A month is too damn long to be suffering. This bugger has caused tears and dropped me to my knees.

I claim comfort .. ease of mind during the healing process and minimal pain during daily tasks. I just want to live my life... with minimal pain. 1♥

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