Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"I Good"

There is a place in life called "I Good".... meaning at that moment, space, place and time... all that should be going down is, and no matter what it is, it ain't trippin' you up or keepin' you awake at night.

It's a blessed place.

Where it gets complicated, if one would indeed allow such a state of confusion, is when others feel that want to dictate how or why your flow is the way it is... these applies to males and females....

Ain't no one sex got a lock on Blessings. The Most High gives them to everyone... some folks don't recognize when they're in a "I Good" stage of life.

If you can go a week and the worst that happened is a broken fingernail/ toenail... you're in a "I Good" stage of life... LOL

Honor it... work it, LIVE IT, LOVE THE HECK OUT OF IT and those around you... know that you are ready for any storm...

and most of all know that there aint nothing for you to be "saved" from...
see its at this time that others come along and want to let you know what's missing in your life.....

What they don't understand it that you've already assessed every dang nook and cranny of your life and you're working while patiently waiting for the Universe to do what it does...

Don't come with the yang... ain't even put in two minutes of work but you already got "us" in another state and down the road to fairy tale land..

Hush with that noise...

Its all about how the spirit receives the other soul into your life, not the trapping that is comes with....

Cloaked in fear, envy, distrust and jealousy will get you blocked deleted and dismissed. I like my light to keep shining...

Ive got to link up with the energy which brings forth pure agape love....
yeah Im going for that ring I dreamed about years ago....
I was climbing that ladder to get to it.... still am

ain't nothing wrong with hanging out on the tiers of a ladder
you get to take life in from all vantages points when you take time in your ascension

You clearly see every step and acknowledge every lesson on the way to <3

Another indicator of "I Good"... the freaking ability to say NO without so much as the bat of an eyelash...

Lawd... this here is one of the grandest freedoms that the Most High allows us to grasp and work... I tell you...

When you can say NO to bullshit, NO to nonsense, NO to those who want to pull you apart and see if you shatter, when you can say NO and mean it...

NO backsies... NO meaning hell NO I ain't gonna subject myself to the idiosyncrasies and pitfalls of another's darkness...

"I Good" simply meaning Im allowed to raise my head to the skies and take in the natural crayolas that the Most High is working with

"I Good" meaning the songs of the days are punctuated by the baritones and basses of the bullfrogs at night (someone got to get some.. lol)

"I Good" meaning your belly ain't hitting your backbone

"I Good" meaning the floor where you lay to dream is dry and earth's pillow provides a straight back

"I Good" meaning the thunder storm is an excuse to make love with Mother Nature as a witness.... heating one up and cooling them down all at the same instance...

"I Good" meaning there are those who make you smile inside out and not near one has touched but your Soul

"I Good"

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