Saturday, December 6, 2014

NOTES: Finding one's way through the pain ....

NOTES: Finding one's way through the pain ....
There is a lot of psychic damage happening with the constant bombardment of injustice around us today.. to drive their point home folks are digging out the most drastic and dreadful of images and language..
My stomach really cannot take it... over and over again... exposure to mental and emotional abuse comes in many forms.
Im a sensitive person ... If Im not careful I cant make it through my newsfeed without falling into some measure of a depression.
It takes a lot of energy to have to build walls against all these atrocities and I aint got that type of fortitude..
I dont even watch television because I dont want to end up as traumatized as those who are at ground zero of the situations.. the constant pain of humanity is heartbreaking.
I see even more so now why I moved from city to country... somethings are too damn painful yet the simple reality is that it cannot be escaped.
I can try and bring as much tranquility as possible to break up the pain.. it's what I do for me... and what my intention is when I share the pics and videos.
A breathing moment... use them to recharge so we're gonna have to heal together...
As usual there are levels to this ish and one has to be ready to support the battle weary. Remember ... those who have been at the front lines are going to need love, care and concern.
Social Justice is not for the weak minded or faint at heart ... it provides a structured outlet for the hurt, frustrated, angry.. and outraged.. it provides a channel of getting the masses together to march in concern .. peacefully yet letting their voices be heard...
Around the world people are taking to the streets
There are many people in the movement for peace.
We'll all find our own way of being part of the solution..
Just be mindful of how you convey your message...
We are all in pain... we dont have to hurt others to get their attention.
Most of all, peace comes at a price which sadly is usually the impetus for the uprising of the people.
We're all hurting... especially the loved ones of those whose lives were taken in vain.
How do we stop the pain????

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