Natal Mercury .. Retrograde... I just looked at the calendar.. other than PT.. aint a damn thing on the calendar.. until swing back time ... early Nov...which means I get to edit these videos that Ive shot in the last TWO weeks.... Yipee....
At one point I was documenting an event or number of event every other day. thats a lot of footage.. this is what I mean when I say.... customs and traditions.
Though Ive attended but a few.. MOJA Arts Festival. the immersion of culture,cross generational fun and spiritual upliftment that Ive experienced and witness others give in and go with the flow of even sweet harmonic energies... unbelievable. -
The craziest of circumstances led me here. but aint no one more grateful about living in Charleston. I can breathe.
No I dont live a fancy lifestyle.. heck I have $11 until next month but bills are paid.. food in the fridge AND MY INTERNET IS UP AND RUNNING!!!!
My life has always been an intense study of "things" .. whether it's 30 books for the weekend for the weekend... for massive visual study.. or like now...
Ive always had a camera .. darkroom at 14.. yearbook teaches you to shoot everything!!!! You take it ALL into consideration.
These occasions and events.. festivals of all cultures and customs... fortunately there is no such thing as spiritual overload for me.
Absorbing all this and fortunately being able to share the experiences.. see we bridge gaps when we are able to visit each others world.
Sometimes we can't physically get there.. then you have.. Tada "Da Visual Griot"
I ran with it... it fits.
I ran with it... it fits.
This is Mercury in Retrograde's effect on me... the depth of discussion will go directly to the root.. there is no time for fat.. the party is nearly over.. the feast and finales are this weekend ..
then you go in and truly see what happened.. this is the editing of the videos..
They are always a different view from the pictures... at times they may align other times... both hands work as if Im dancing camera collecting opposing views.. action and reaction..
Yes.. here is a method to my madness. .
Dont inquire as to what it might be. Im simply Being Obedient to My Spirit
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