#FamiliarityBreedsContempt ... if something has ALWAYS been available and taken for granted...
It will hopefully make adjustments not to put out so much of itself...
You know it's like having an annual bash.. actually quite a few bashes over a time period catering to nearly everyone of the senses and schools of thought... all ages and expense levels..
yet more and more people fail to attend.. so Im quite so you would "tighten" up your situation and not put out such a spread for the guests.
You know when you have a party.. it's ok for a few to go hungry...
They behinds should have been there early and now doing the johnny come lately and talking about aint nothing going on... YA SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!!!
See... many forget that it takes the participation and attendance of many.. especially as you get older... you have to make a point to bring more and more out at each stage of your life..
Junior high... high school, college friends, work mates, spouses, children, grandchildren, cousins...you get my drift..... one has to PARTICIPATE in some form or fashion YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR... this is what builds a legacy.
This very topic hits on the reason WHY I DOCUMENT COMMUNITY FUNCTIONS.. because there is going to be a point where G-dforbid.. these Elders die off and aint no one to pass torches too... folks are going to need a blueprint.
Whose fault is that??? The one who complains.. aint nothing going on...
Be a part of the solution
The community is RESPONSIBLE for the COMMUNITY... we have to attend functions.. the free and the paid ones... we have to be a part of the planning process and not just saying....
Maaan dem old folks got that locked down.... well guess the hell what.. they keep doing because some of the younger ones aint asking WHERE AND WHEN ARE THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS???? and ATTENDING!!!!
This an important part of community building... to sit in on meetings all though the stages of your lives... WE ARE HERE TO SERVE... find in which way YOU can offer yourself in service to the community.
You know why some young folks get to slide... because folks know who they're related to.. and such and such was a coach, or they taught Sunday School, or they volunteered at the yearly circus ... #GETINVOLVED if you dont... in a few years.. something precious would have slipped away... and all you can say is..
Remember When... eliminate the remember whens and ensure that customs and traditions are passed down... Teach em what you were taught...
Ask Questions.. find out what it takes to make these annual functions happen and be a part of the process somewhere!!!! 1 <3
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