Friday, October 31, 2014

Sssshhh, walk softly.

Being spiritual is more than talk it is more than walk. 

It is being at one with the forces of nature.

It is not the ability to follow instructions because one has paid another $$.. 

being of the spirit it to know that there is but one communication that is necessary and needed and that is with the Most High.

He really doesnt care in what way we cloak it as long as our walk on this plane is to benefit mankind.

Many will never walk a traditional African walk. Most Africans dont even walk such a walk 

The spirits have adapted to the modern ways yo getting things do and technology is part of the magic. Lol Ogun/ Zarabanda is happy. 

Many cannot related to the patakis/anecdotes.

What we can hope for our clear hearts and minds.

Be keepers of the traditions as best we can for there will be a time we will be called into service.

Like I said.. everything aint for everybody. 

Everyone doesn't have the road of being culture bearers. 

Most dont get it. Be meditative and quiet in your study.

No need to tell the world that one is being prepared in a warrior's walk unless it is part of their journey.

We learn what we learn.. share and teach when called on.. otherwise.. we study. .. watch and wait.. constantly practicing. 

Doing what we do right in front of everyone. 

Proving theory day by day.

Sssshhh, walk softly.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Know the difference....

You have to have been thru some shit to rise above some shit to LIVE YOUR LIFE RIGHT!!!!!! 
Know the difference....

Do what you can when you can...

Some of you may see yourselves in this... but then again it could just be me...
I recognize that I am angry about a few things... I wanted to speak with someone... impartial, unbiased and in seeking such, came across hurdles that didn't make any damn sense
See if you're crazy enough to realize that you just need an ear then you are sane enough not to warrant immediate assistance under the current medical guidelines..
There has to be some measure of mental assistance to those who are disabled, whose disability is not mental... you get my drift.
There are everyday stresses that are compounded when you are lacking in certain physical areas which keep you from doing what you want to do when you want to do it.....
Sometime you want to step left and your body goes right... you dont come down from that too easy...
Im speaking because some one else wants to speak and they are afraid...
Im just typing.... so to whomever needs to see this... the struggle is not yours alone...
Do what you can when you can...
Facebook is part of my self therapy... y'all dont cost a damn except time... LOL

Shekere Frenzy.... had My Spirits Poppin'!!!!

August 3 · 
I take no blame for the fact that the food in my next video really and truly WILL HAVE YOU LICKING SOMETHING.....
Maaaaaaaaan such a simply dish.. 3 minutes of which 2 mins are SINFUL!!!!! LOL
Think I better put the finishing touches on ‪#‎ShekereWarriorsatWoSe‬ ....
Im going to dedicate this piece of work to Ibaye Babas Charles Robinson(my G-dfather) and Abu Shabazz - Linwood Daniel...who introduced me to Baba Charles in the first place.
Their combined spiritual energies worked for me... 
Abu aka LORD SHEKERE... placed that first glass of water by my head and calmed the sequencing down.... he was known all over the world for the away he handled the gourd!!!!
Our Egun played well together...
It was said at times we appeared as twins.. very animated and laughing always... a great friend....
He guided me to a lifelong walk.. my first bembe ... had me on Reading Rainbow with Forces of Nature.... numerous cultural activities all over New York City!!!
Yet he let me know when he was crossing... his shekere was leaned on it's side at the base of a tree... the dream was verified weeks later.
I know they both touch down in the Lowcountry from time to time... LOL... that's why this morning was so very special.....
I dont usually shoot the way I did... 
Ive been dancing to the beat of the drum a long time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


There are so many lessons in the universe.
If you are building a brand or business.. pay close attention to those who are making waves.
Success comes from sweat and ingenuity.
There are many every day models that we can glean loads of technique and information from.
See some folks talk about "it" .. some folks are about "it".
Sometimes we have to listen with our eyes and see with our ears.
Observing.. Life's voyeuristic movements allows for intake.
Be open to the universe and what it has to offer. Make notes. ‪#‎Document‬
Don't be afraid to enter new territories. Find a way to have your skills promoted at even the smallest of events.
There is no "bad news" only opportunities for "press".
Timing is essential. Observation is key. Actions speak way louder than words. Silence is a weapon wielded well.‪#‎GangstaMovesCorporateEnvironment‬ ‪#‎BeYOUAtAllTimes‬
Just know what the hell to say when it's time to speak. Go Get 'Em!! 1
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My Work is meant for Tomorrow!!!

It is fascinating to me that the same"audience" who will watch folks get chopped up, shot and bloody, albeit senseless violence.. want snippets of culture in 15 second flashes.
That is sooo wrong... I tend to OD on culture living in the Lowcountry.
There are so many events that I havent even begun to peek at .. ‪#‎logistics‬
A woman told me the other day I was going to all the wrong places .. there is no way Im going to meet men at museums, cultural events, symposiums, and educational forums...
Im not saying she's wrong or right.. but damn.... our "bars" are set at different stages.
The past couple of weeks have been mindblowing and educational.
Ive done the pics and have just started to immerse myself in the videos.
WOW and WOW again. I like attending events where as many senses are stimulated as possible. My photographs and videos are a direct result of the vibe in the atmosphere. yes, sometimes I do take it a notch higher... just as I was told about the other night "I added colour to the event".
We all have purposes.. tee he hee
I dont know how and wont dumb down access to knowledge and cultural expression.
Yes my videos are long.. just as long as features of bullshiggidy... yet Im offering access to that which we normally dont pay attention and take for granted.
This next video is FULL ... it truly will entice and excite certain memories.. I know it will serve a purpose for those who were in attendance... Life is about LIVING and I have fun documenting those precious moments. They might not mean a damn to some souls today... but tomorrow... Yeah Baby... My Work is meant for Tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

High IQ Child Geniuses Breaking World Records

Text from video description...

Published on Feb 28, 2014
This video deals with over a dozen child geniuses from 2 to 14 including the black kid, Adam Kirby who is the YOUNGEST Member of Mensa EVER (minimum Mensa IQ is 132).

2 1/2 year old Romanieo Jr who knows Science, Physics, Chemistry FAR better than most adults.

The self-taught African engineer who, with no training, designed and built water pumping and electricity generating windmills at age 14.

The black teens who are the Youngest to EVER pass the Cambridge University Math exam (at age 8) breaking the record of their older sister who did it at age 9.

The 11 year old college students who is the TOP student in his classes and actually tutors the folder students.

The black girl who passed the MATH GSE exam at age 5 while the 17 and 18 year old students were flunking it.

These are just some of the positive stellar examples of excellence featured on this video.

This video also features the brilliant words of Dr Neil Degrasse Tyso

The basic message is that if you pay attention you will notice that behind each of these kids is an intact nurturing FAMILY consisting of both a mother and a father. Many single parents have also produced intellectual giants (such as the illiterate single mother of Dr Ben Carson who he credits as being THE source behind his success as she told him and his brothers they had to start giving her a new book report each weak in add-on to doing their homework from school in order to watch ANY more television and THAT was the catalyst for him beginning to Love to Learn.)

Sadly many young geniuses are stifled and their true potential is never seen nor recognized by the people around them and in many cases they are held back. The 11 year old college student is a perfect example because he was literally FAILING his public school classes before his parent(S) pulled him out of school and started home-schooling him till he got accepted into Morehouse college and because the TOP student in his classes.

Their are many more examples which shall be featured in other videos but I wanted to keep this one at around 30 minutes. There is a very skilled 2 year old musical prodigy at playing piano at the end.

Both the youngest boy and the youngest girl to ever be accepted into Mensa, the "high IQ society", are black BTW.

BTW ...What truly amazes me to no end is how people with relatively LOW IQ's seem to be the ones most likely to mention race and IQ gaps ad-nauseum in an obvious effort to assuage their personal insecurity over their obvious mediocrity.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Oh Yeah... my retrograde Mercury

Natal Mercury .. Retrograde... I just looked at the calendar.. other than PT.. aint a damn thing on the calendar.. until swing back time ... early Nov...which means I get to edit these videos that Ive shot in the last TWO weeks.... Yipee....
At one point I was documenting an event or number of event every other day. thats a lot of footage.. this is what I mean when I say.... customs and traditions.
Though Ive attended but a few.. MOJA Arts Festival. the immersion of culture,cross generational fun and spiritual upliftment that Ive experienced and witness others give in and go with the flow of even sweet harmonic energies... unbelievable. -
The craziest of circumstances led me here. but aint no one more grateful about living in Charleston. I can breathe.
No I dont live a fancy lifestyle.. heck I have $11 until next month but bills are paid.. food in the fridge AND MY INTERNET IS UP AND RUNNING!!!!
My life has always been an intense study of "things" .. whether it's 30 books for the weekend for the weekend... for massive visual study.. or like now...
Ive always had a camera .. darkroom at 14.. yearbook teaches you to shoot everything!!!! You take it ALL into consideration.
These occasions and events.. festivals of all cultures and customs... fortunately there is no such thing as spiritual overload for me.
Absorbing all this and fortunately being able to share the experiences.. see we bridge gaps when we are able to visit each others world.
Sometimes we can't physically get there.. then you have.. Tada "Da Visual Griot"
I ran with it... it fits.
This is Mercury in Retrograde's effect on me... the depth of discussion will go directly to the root.. there is no time for fat.. the party is nearly over.. the feast and finales are this weekend ..
then you go in and truly see what happened.. this is the editing of the videos..
They are always a different view from the pictures... at times they may align other times... both hands work as if Im dancing camera collecting opposing views.. action and reaction..
Yes.. here is a method to my madness. .
Dont inquire as to what it might be. Im simply Being Obedient to My Spirit
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Community Building... #GetInvolved ... this is what builds a legacy.

#FamiliarityBreedsContempt ... if something has ALWAYS been available and taken for granted...

It will hopefully make adjustments not to put out so much of itself...

You know it's like having an annual bash.. actually quite a few bashes over a time period catering to nearly everyone of the senses and schools of thought... all ages and expense levels..

yet more and more people fail to attend.. so Im quite so you would "tighten" up your situation and not put out such a spread for the guests.

You know when you have a party.. it's ok for a few to go hungry...

They behinds should have been there early and now doing the johnny come lately and talking about aint nothing going on... YA SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!!!!

See... many forget that it takes the participation and attendance of many.. especially as you get older... you have to make a point to bring more and more out at each stage of your life..

Junior high... high school, college friends, work mates, spouses, children, grandchildren, get my drift..... one has to PARTICIPATE in some form or fashion YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR... this is what builds a legacy.

This very topic hits on the reason WHY I DOCUMENT COMMUNITY FUNCTIONS.. because there is going to be a point where G-dforbid.. these Elders die off and aint no one to pass torches too... folks are going to need a blueprint.

Whose fault is that??? The one who complains.. aint nothing going on...
Be a part of the solution

The community is RESPONSIBLE for the COMMUNITY... we have to attend functions.. the free and the paid ones... we have to be a part of the planning process and not just saying....

Maaan dem old folks got that locked down.... well guess the hell what.. they keep doing because some of the younger ones aint asking WHERE AND WHEN ARE THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS???? and ATTENDING!!!!

This an important part of community building... to sit in on meetings all though the stages of your lives... WE ARE HERE TO SERVE... find in which way YOU can offer yourself in service to the community.

You know why some young folks get to slide... because folks know who they're related to.. and such and such was a coach, or they taught Sunday School, or they volunteered at the yearly circus ... #GETINVOLVED if you dont... in a few years.. something precious would have slipped away... and all you can say is..

Remember When... eliminate the remember whens and ensure that customs and traditions are passed down... Teach em what you were taught...

Ask Questions.. find out what it takes to make these annual functions happen and be a part of the process somewhere!!!! 1 <3