Friday, April 25, 2014



Say what the hell is on your mind.
Walllowing in pain and self pity aint gone get you nowhere. Been there, done that.
Life has a way of kicking our azzes awake. Either sit in the muck and shit or RISE DA HELL UP and Wash yr azz and LIVE!!!
When I say "wash" I mean spiritually!!

Take a damn good look at yourself and know that you have a way of making a difference in YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE that will trickle and flow to others.
Just being grateful for opening one's eyes TODAY makes so much of a difference.
Im not saying it's not bad.. trust I do know that we collectively as a human race are suffering.
Yet that is the key, living despite suffering.
Its the only way to heal.
Healing is paramount!
In order to live, you've got to take a chance each and every day. 《《《《《 that's a status!! LOL

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