Sunday, April 27, 2014

Many are spousal - caregivers

Very few address the silent battle of the spousal - caregiver.
It's a universal position.
Doesn't know age, sex, race, or creed.
It is the life of one who's life partner has taken ill.

We tend to look at the needs of the "sick" one
very rarely do I see much addressing the stress, strain, resilience, fortitude of the individual who is left to keep it all together in spite of.....

Their tears are dismissed because "they" are NOT the patient.....
but indeed they are.

They didnt sign on for a number of things,
yet they are there, t'il death do us part.

They are the ones who have had no caresses, hugs or kisses
They have to find ways to pleasure themselves within a sexless union
Hopefully they are sustained by love not marred with disdain

Whether the partner is in a chronic, terminal, hospitalized, ambulatory situation, spousal commitment takes a heck of a hit.

The mental and emotional strength that takes to maintain one's own personality in light of a changing relationship landscape that you could have never foreseen ...
is taxing.

There have always been those who we know they are going through but we are there in crisis, but not in the long haul.

Call your friend who's loved one has been ailing...
Call your ace, who you know for them and their partner the hospital is now a "second home".

Remind them that they have to have a life, no matter what is going on.
They have to keep their heads clear and have to have a point of sanity and light in their lives.

Many are spousal - caregivers; Be a friend today and let them know you care!! 1 
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I choose to be happy.

I choose to be happy.

This is not an easy venture. In the face of life and interpersonal interactions...

I can appear to be standoffish because I shield myself with cameras.
Simple reason... I feel too damn much.

The windows being the eyes to the soul and all that ... if I register on your "self" for a bit too long them vibes that are kicking will speak before your eyes do.

I choose to be happy.

Ive "looked" at people in my own unique way from a very early age.
They are fascinating. Their emotions emit from a physical being which is usually is  trying to hide what they feel. That scent has a color, that shield has a vibe.
It's what I feel, what I sense.

My glasses have long shielded others from seeing too deeply inteloro my eyes.
Most can't hold with the penetrating, yet inviting gaze.
You can lose yourself in my pools of dark brown serenity.
I want you to find peace within me.

I choose to be happy.

I put joy inside me, even in the way I prep a meal.
I need to be near ecstasy in the making of it.
I want that joie de vie to come forth in the taste.

This one accord with the universe such as the orchestra of birds.
Harmonic conversation, syncopation woodpeckers style
Shrill, long, short, sweet musical natural melodies

I choose to be happy.

I begin with the little things. :-D

Find your center peace!!

Ignorance, disrespect, lack of consideration are poison to a relationship.

The deterioration of communication which at one time had the appearance of longevity. 

Funny, things can last yet be sad as well.

There are these traps that we don't usually see when in the midst of the storm. 

It's not a hindsight thing, we don't all age gracefully. 
We are not all prepared to age at all. 
We are not all prepared to deal with illness.
We are not all prepared to deal with disappointment.
We are not all prepared to die.
We are not all prepared to live no matter what the hell is going on!!

Find your center peace!!

Friday, April 25, 2014



Say what the hell is on your mind.
Walllowing in pain and self pity aint gone get you nowhere. Been there, done that.
Life has a way of kicking our azzes awake. Either sit in the muck and shit or RISE DA HELL UP and Wash yr azz and LIVE!!!
When I say "wash" I mean spiritually!!

Take a damn good look at yourself and know that you have a way of making a difference in YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE that will trickle and flow to others.
Just being grateful for opening one's eyes TODAY makes so much of a difference.
Im not saying it's not bad.. trust I do know that we collectively as a human race are suffering.
Yet that is the key, living despite suffering.
Its the only way to heal.
Healing is paramount!
In order to live, you've got to take a chance each and every day. 《《《《《 that's a status!! LOL

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sugarcoating ....

Sugarcoating is so unnecessary.

Blunt, honest to the point truth is so much easier to swallow.

My grasp on reality is amazing; I've been on it's darkside, I comprehend it's light.

In creating a fallacy one has to weave and bob continually.
I prefer to stand tall, trust I can bend with the wind and defy bullshit amazingly.

I've,  thankfully have acheived a balance of emotions when it comes to dealing with HUMAN beings.

Do I at times see more in them than they see in themselves? Yes.

I've been accused of such. Yet, what my spirit discerns stays will me.

I will see you in the light, though you may not have yet reached that point.

It's that light, I keep with me no matter one's actions.

Unconditional love, universally restored. 1 ♥

That's ME in that painting!!!!

Thats ME in the painting!!! BRENDA!!!!!