I am fulfilled at the moment;
there was something missing for a while...
My whites are for Yoruba and Palo..
I walk my walk.
When in other spaces and places where others maybe..
one has to recognize spirit where it is
So... I go to church.....
the energies are the same
all walks have protocol
I like church where you hear the ferver
I like wood and hand clapping
tambourines and drums
bass and keyboards
I like to GET DOWN when Im spending my PRAISES UP...
just like how some folks wont let themselve go in church
you see someone standing on the side of you just wanting to SHOUT
Maaaan, like they said PRAISE AINT PRETTY
Sometimes when I see folks rushing from city to city
when what they need and who they need to see are right under their nose
Yet, each path is different
You walk aint my walk and vice versa
It took a long time for that to sink in when it came to certain topics
bcs Im OLD SCHOOL in many ways and
them spirits that walk with me are even older than dirt
See you must always pay attention to tone and language usage
Maaaan you never know.. thats why we let the fingers flow
there are times when the keyboard becomes a music tool
and other times a torture chamber
either way the message gets out
from whomsoever wishes to speak
I was fortunate enough to be raised by Elders in a country setting
so Yes I have country ways
My foundation was laid tight, and strong
the roots deep and varied
Funny there were good knots
things worked out accordingly that I would be shielded, protected, indoctrinated, baptised, catechised, confirmed, initiated, scratched
and here you have it...
Now who is it that walks with me that has me going Deeper...
I aint asking...
Im on this journey
aint no telling where it may go
Im learning
Im living
Im blessed
1 <3