I know Ive made mistakes... made decisions that some of you could never fathom for others aint no big deal.
There is always a place in life when YOU recognize who the heck you are going to be as you mature.
Things you used to do... you simply dont do in the same ways
Somethings, you just dont do.
No matter how crazy things seem right now
if in the midst of the storm you are producing
and making a better YOU..
then keep on keepin' on
Dont stress the obvious
look into the nooks and crannies of your life
and see what little changes you can make RIGHT NOW
they add up
Those minute twists and turns
work out in your favor
because you orchestrated the maneuvering
the little things do add up
those tiny steps
will have you at the top of the mountain one day
Learn the Serenity Prayer... you will find yourself using it at the craziest of times...
Now I understand why my mother was always saying it.
Your Attitude is Your Child's Attitude.... FIX IT.... Co Parents who do not reside in the same home, city or state always have extra challenges.. as do the children.
There are ways to work this out...
The chameleon like abilities of are child are uniquely honed with they have access to all parts of their maternal and paternal families..#FlexiblePersonInTheFuture
One has to learn to get a life.. carve out a niche in your personality that is all yours.
It is not dependent on another soul for it's happiness or satisfaction.. it's joy is all on you...
Appreciate who the hell you are and what you do. Aint no one gonna praise you better than you.. meaning you better recognize and know your value before anyone even thinks they can hang a price on your actions or services... #Priceless
All money aint good $$$$$$ - dont put yourself in a position to sell your soul behind one of your creations... if you can't comfortably put your name on it.. then leave the project alone.
Ooooh Lawd.. this one here took forever to get even remotely right...
It is freaking alright to say NO!!!!!
Doormat and mattress status aint a good place in life to be. Yeah folks get funny when you backbone develops.. it's all good... Keep it movin' and doin' YOU!!!
Now I understand why my mother was always saying it.
Your Attitude is Your Child's Attitude.... FIX IT.... Co Parents who do not reside in the same home, city or state always have extra challenges.. as do the children.
There are ways to work this out...
The chameleon like abilities of are child are uniquely honed with they have access to all parts of their maternal and paternal families..#FlexiblePersonInTheFuture
One has to learn to get a life.. carve out a niche in your personality that is all yours.
It is not dependent on another soul for it's happiness or satisfaction.. it's joy is all on you...
Appreciate who the hell you are and what you do. Aint no one gonna praise you better than you.. meaning you better recognize and know your value before anyone even thinks they can hang a price on your actions or services... #Priceless
All money aint good $$$$$$ - dont put yourself in a position to sell your soul behind one of your creations... if you can't comfortably put your name on it.. then leave the project alone.
Ooooh Lawd.. this one here took forever to get even remotely right...
It is freaking alright to say NO!!!!!
Doormat and mattress status aint a good place in life to be. Yeah folks get funny when you backbone develops.. it's all good... Keep it movin' and doin' YOU!!!